Reasons for Bonded Pairs
Rabbits crave the companionship of their own kind. Bonded pairs are happier, healthier and less likely to get into mischief than their single counterparts.
Having a bonded pair does not adversely affect the caretaker-rabbit bond.
Why Do Rabbits Need a Companion?
In nature, wild rabbits live in groups and work together to create a peaceful and loving environment. They raise their young, locate food, and establish a warning system against predators. This need for companionship has survived despite them being domesticated. While a domestic rabbit may enjoy the attention of a human, or the companionship of another furry friend such as a guinea pig, a well-mannered dog or cat, or many other types of pets, they are happiest with another rabbit. This is because rabbits have their own language which is mostly non-verbal. This rabbit language is expressed through subtle shifts in body position, grooming activities, and skillful dancing techniques. After watching a bonded pair truly relate to each other, it is easy to understand that non-rabbits are only partially able to meet a rabbit’s needs.
Some Things to Consider:
- How many hours will your rabbit be alone during the day?
- The cost of feeding a bonded pair is not that much more expensive than it is for a single bunny.
- Boredom often leads to negative behaviors such as destructiveness and hyperactivity. These behaviors are exacerbated if the rabbit is left home alone while the caretaker is at work.
- Bunnies who snuggle together, and groom one another, are just adorable and bring a smile to one’s heart.

Adopt A Bonded Pair
If you are just now thinking of getting a single rabbit, why not adopt a bonded pair from the beginning instead? Most rabbit rescues have already gone through the bonding process in an effort to keep single buns not yet adopted from getting bored and depressed. By getting a bonded pair right away, you will be assured of having a healthy and happy bunny pair immediately.
How To Find The Perfect Companion For Your Bun
Have you decided to get a friend for your resident rabbit? Like people, not all rabbits get along. Ask anyone who has been through the “fur-flying and tail-chasing” routine. It is not pretty! Rabbits need to select their own companion, on neutral territory. The best way to accomplish this is to take your bun to meet other buns at a local rabbit rescue group (make sure your bun is already spayed/neutered). These people have the experience to help you find a companion best suited to your bun’s personality and to help with the bonding process.
The most successful pairing is between a neutered male and a spayed female. While same sex buns can get along, it is unusual. It may be necessary to introduce your bun to several different buns. This introduction can take several forms. It can be “love at first sight” in which the buns are immediately attracted to each other. Often, the introduction will create curiosity and suspicion. One bun may mount the other, or sniff unmentionable places. The other bun’s behavior will determine the outcome. Some buns nip the other and that’s it. Or, it may turn into a full-blown fight. Separate fighting buns immediately to avoid injury, and make a different introduction.
If you decide to bring your current bunny to Bunny Lu to find a new friend, we will set up a bonding pen for your rabbit to quickly meet the numerous bonding candidates we have. You and an experience Bunny Lu member will be in the bonding pen with the rabbits to make sure that both rabbits are safe and relaxed. We usually start by placing the two bunnies next to each other with some greens to reinforce that this is a positive experience for them. Once they have sniffed each other out and spent some time together, we gradually back off and see how they interact with each other. If there are any signs of aggression, the Bunny Lu member will separate both rabbits for their safety. Generally at this point, we will move on to a different bonding candidate, but this does not rule out that bonding candidate. We can always give them a second chance together after they both cool down a little bit since it is common for the rabbits to come around on subsequent attempts at meeting each other.
What To Expect When You Get Home
Rabbits are very territorial and will “protect” their living space. This behavior can occur even after a “love at first sight” meeting at a neutral place. If necessary, don’t hesitate to contact your rabbit rescue group for advice to help you complete the bonding once your new pair is home.
It is recommended that the new rabbit be placed in a separate enclosed area close to the other bunny and normal family activities. Ideally, the two bunny’s would share a wall where they can see each other and interact a little bit. This allows the new bun to familiarize itself with the new environment, and allows both rabbits to get use to having another rabbit around. It is normal for the two to check each other out through the enclosure. Please note that nipping or boxing may also occur within the first day or two as the home rabbit is trying to show the new rabbit that he is the boss. Be sure to monitor these situations to prevent injury to either rabbits. If necessary separate their spaces with a couple inches of empty space so that they can still see each other and interact, but not actually reach each other.
After one day, allow the new rabbit to leave its enclosure. Be close by to supervise in the event of a fight. Fighting is normal and means the buns aren’t ready to share territory … yet. If a fight occurs, separate the two and try again later. A squirt of water or the deft insertion of a broom between fighting buns can distract them long enough to separate them without you getting nipped in the process. Keep the supervised interactions to short periods of time, and gradually extend them until the buns are interacting peacefully. As soon as one bun starts grooming another, you are almost there.
You can also try speeding up the bonding process by the use of shared, slightly stressful experiences, like car rides. Put the buns in the same carrier when you head out for short errands, for example. Most buns are somewhat alarmed by the car ride and will huddle close to the other rabbit for comfort. This can often result in them transferring the feeling of comfort they get in the presence of the other rabbit to everyday situations. It is important, however, to be ready and prepared to separate the bunnies if a fight manages to break out during this time.
The length of the bonding process varies from rabbit to rabbit. Successful bonding can take as little as two weeks, but some can take six months or longer! The bonding process can be very stressful time for the caretaker and the buns, but with time and patience, a successful bonding can be achieved.
Further Reading
For more information on the bunny bonding process, please see this helpful resource: More Information on Bunny Bonding