
Desperately seeking foster homes!

We have been overwhelmed with rabbits this year. From stray rabbits needing help, overcrowded shelters needing to make space, and people needing to surrender their rabbits, all rescues in the area have reached crisis levels this year . 
We are desperately seeking committed, experienced foster homes so we can help as many rabbits as possible.  

Because of the influx of rabbits that have been abandoned outdoors to fend for themselves this year and slow adoption numbers during the summer months, we are in need of foster homes to provide housing, and sometimes socialization, for buns while they wait for a spot at the rescue to open up for them. Foster homes must be able to make a firm commitment to foster for at least 4 months. It’s possible it won’t be that long if space opens up at the rescue, or it could be longer depending on adoption numbers. 

Most of our more adoptable rabbits reside at the rescue so that potential adopters can view everyone at one time which gives all the rabbits the best opportunity to find their forever home especially for bonding. In order to give them the best chance at being adopted later, foster homes will primarily be given rabbits that need to work on their socialization skills.  

Fostering Requirements

  • Foster homes must be able to bring the bunny to the rescue to meet potential adopters. In rare cases, we may also ask foster homes to open their home for potential adopters to visit the bun. 
  • Foster homes must be able to provide indoor-only housing (an exercise pen or large cage), twice daily salads, interaction and run-around time for the bun outside of its usual space. 
  • Pellets and hay can be provided by Bunny Lu upon request, but must be picked up at the rescue. 

Other Information

All medical care for the foster bunny will be provided by Bunny Lu at Blue Ridge Veterinary Associates in Purcellville, Animal Wellness in Crozet, Jolly Pond Animal Hospital in Williamsburg, or Locke A. Taylor Veterinary Hospital in Glen Allen (near Richmond).
Often the bunnies we get in from shelters or pick up as strays are not yet neutered or spayed. Please let us know if you are willing to foster an un-altered bun while they wait for their spay or neuter appointments and bring them to the clinic for their spay or neuter. This would be so helpful as we all know un-altered buns can be quite excitable when placed in an environment like the rescue where there are lots of other buns around.
Please keep in mind that many of the buns we get in are fearful of humans with good reason, so having a foster home that can spend time with them and let them learn that not all humans are bad can increase a buns chances of finding their forever and have that happen for them much faster . 
If you would like to join the Bunny Lu team and become a foster home, please contact us at
If you can’t foster but would still like to support our work, please consider making a donation to our abandoned and distressed rabbit fund. This will provide medical care, spay or neuter, vaccination for RHVD2, and microchipping for abandoned rabbits and rabbits that were in otherwise life threatening situations. 
Donations can be made at : 
Venmo: @BunnyLuRabbitRescue  
Be a bunny angel and make your donation re-occur monthly! Contact us at 703-753-0833 by text, and we will call you to get your monthly donation set up!